Sunday, October 11, 2009

Big Doings

It's been awhile since I've posted in here 'cause I've been hard at work setting up the NEW FORSAKEN STARS SITE! YES! Okay, if you go there, you won't find much yet. Turns out getting free hosting has a downside: you've got to create your site from scratch, and that means learning html. You'd think after twenty years at the keyboard I'd have learned something about the magic script that exists behind the hundred-thousand or so sites I've visited since the internet was invented. But what I know could probably fit on the tip of my little finger. Thank God for my college-aged girlfriend, or as I'd like to call Ali, a child of the internet. I read tutorials 'till my eyes bled, and she helped me get through the FTP and then a smidgen of web page design. Hopefully the site will get spruced up in the months to come, at least close to what the site was under the homestead site host and builder. At least that's the dream. My sources told me this was the way to go, and it does look like I've become a part of a very large, wonderfully geeky community. Much thanks to the gang at keenspot and comic genesis.

Today I've been having fun designing banners for the site, now I've got to figure out how to link the web url to the following images:

Oh, if only it were as easy as the linking was on this blog...


  1. Meh. It looks OK.
    Now, the vampire is creepy, but not sexy like a long haired Antonio Bandaras Tremere I remember once. ;)


  2. Haha, thanks, Scott, *blush* for calling up fond Vampire LARP memories.

    Azzi is pretty old when we enter his story, but there will be flashbacks, some of which are less creepy.
